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December 2, 2014

Haha- I bet you guys were not expecting a post (if you still even visit this site.)

Yeah… Neither did I. But, you know, we all need to sit back and just take a sip of warm coffee- or hot chocolate. In other words, I just came back to say hi, and that December is here.

I wanted to show you all something I worked on back in December 2011. I posted this way back when, do you remember this?

Yep, that was the new Town going to be added in Penguin Frost (around 2011.)

Thought I’d share that with you guys. Haha. And, while I’m at it, I’ll share some Q&A with you guys.

Q: How are all the old moderators doing?

Well, I can’t speak for all of them- but I can say a bit. Blueicedude moved on to college, and is currently studying to get a doctrine. I myself, as well as Jackpaulsen, are currently still late in highschool, deciding colleges for ourselves. BMan is in early highschool, and lives quite a bit aways from me, but is studying hard and hopefully one day to be a lawyer.

Q: Will you EVER consider remaking Penguin Frost?

Honestly, I wish I was able to withdraw a solid statement. However, it is likely that Penguin Frost will not be returning. I am still quite fascinated in how things work, so maybe one day I’ll recover my old computer files and maybe make a mini version of the game once known as “Penguin Frost”.

Q: Do you still play Club Penguin?

Nope, not officially at least. I no longer obtain a membership (my 12 month recently expired.), and I lost interest in Club Penguin years ago. But again, there will be times I’ll log in just to see whats going on. I’ll for sure see what the Holiday Party looks like, considering it’s been my favorite party (I joined during it.) But no, don’t expect an official return from Sportace. He now dwells in the locked up PSA room eating chips and fish, laughing at the screens on the board.

Q: What other games do you play?

I’m a big steam fan, if I must say- haha. I play games such as DayZ, Team Fortress 2, The Forest, Unturned, and a few others. I’m not going to offer my username in public, not to anyone in such case anyways. Sorry.

Q: How far did you get into Penguin Frost? Be Honest.

Further than I’ve ever thought I could. It was pretty neat being able to see a game run on a server, with working rooms and mascots. The official version of Penguin Frost was actually pretty far. Prototype 1.0 was very basic, and was basically the first 5 months of the game. The official version (never even spoken of) actually had 4 accessable servers, waddling, working rooms (with new ones to be announced), player cards, the first catalog, and even some secrets. However, that’s how far it will go. Maybe one day I’ll decide to upload it.

Q: So no more Club Penguin games?

Club Penguin (in a positive way), is very strict about their copyright policy. Club Penguin Private Servers that allow donating are actually illegal, so I don’t suggest making one. Although we had official permission to make a fan game, that was also 3 years ago, their policy could have changed. Especially if commanded by Disney, one of the largest corporations on Earth. However, there was ONE game I actually was kind of thinking about. Penguin Chat 3. Considering it was made by Rocketsnail Games, there could be a possible way to gain permission- however all assets sold to Disney can’t be used- so the game would be pretty blank, and would need custom rooms.

Q: Penguin Chat 3 (Remake) is possible?!

Yeah, why isn’t it? What I’ve stated above is that it could be technically possible, but I’m only thinking about it. I doubt I’ll want to continue working on another Club Penguin style game, but maybe. No Penguin Chat 3 could replicate what the original did, so if I were to, that would be my goal.

Q: Will you ever post again?

Yeah, I will. I promise that. It will probably be awhile, but it’s better than nothing. Haha. This may or may not be a micro-blog for a bit, but eventually one day this maybe the pure burial sight of Penguin Frost, or it will be the soil to hold the new one.

Q: Ways to contact you?

Unfortunally, no. I no longer go by ‘Sportace’, as that was just my Clubpenguin name. I’m done with Sportace, and I’ve got new names (muahaha!). So if anyone claims to be me and are not my actual account “Sportace”, then nope- they aren’t me. If you actually hope to find me, then maybe one day you will find my new name and accs on other games.

Q: What’s the site for now?

Memories. I have no plans to ever change this site, unless it’s for reconstruction or any base like that. This is for the people who made memories to come back 5-10 years later and remember how fun it was to experiment with what the original 05′ players went through with the original Clubpenguin team.

Well guys, that’s it. I hope you all have a wonderful December and New Years. Maybe it’ll be the start of a new game. I’ll post again one day, whatever that day is.

I’ll leave you guys off with one more video:

Waddle On!


7 Comments leave one →
  1. December 2, 2014 7:03 pm

    Hey its me 🙂 I just saw this in my email inbox. I’m still here first year of highschool just finished football and now wrestling XP.

  2. December 2, 2014 7:05 pm

    Hey it’s me Padre Pio. I Just saw this in my email inbox :). I’m in my first year of high school. I just finished football and now im wrestling. XP. What’s up with you guys? Dave? Mumbo?Cory?

  3. December 3, 2014 5:12 pm

    Nice to see you again, Padre. It’s been a long time I’ve talked to any of you guys. Lately this site has just been collecting dust. I’m going to renovate it to give it a Christmas look.

  4. December 6, 2014 3:06 pm

    Hey Sportace, It’s Test Snail02. I have gotten much better in AS2 and AS3 I actually completed my own game awhile back. I was wondering if it’d be possible to pass on the PF rights to me. I will go as far as buying the files off you, I want to go ahead and bring it back to life. I hope you say yes, but this is far from easy to ldet go im sure. So if not I can understand why.

  5. Mumbo12 permalink
    December 25, 2014 2:33 pm

    Jesus this site still exists lol. Hey there, sport. Long time no see.

  6. Dave permalink
    January 27, 2015 8:02 pm

    such sad. much cri. any1 play xbox one? btw padre u fegit 😉

  7. December 2, 2020 8:37 pm

    6 years later

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